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A Touch(ID) of iOS Security - James (Jamie) Bowser (Central Ohio Infosec Summit 2016) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

A Touch(ID) of iOS Security
James (Jamie) Bowser

Bio: Jamie Bowser is a Technical Strategist who has over 20 years of information technology experience in a variety of roles including Web Application developer/architect, Unix Administrator, and Systems Analyst. Mr. Bowser has worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies, including Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, and Key Corp. As a Technical Strategist at Cigital, he has overseen and performed Mobile Strategic Consulting, Mobile Application Penetration Testing and Mobile Application Source Code reviews of systems built from a few thousand lines of code to systems containing tens of millions of lines of code (Java, .Net, and Objective-C). Currently, Mr. Bowser focuses on iOS Static and Dynamic testing tool development.

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