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BSides Philadelphia 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

BSides Philadelphia 2016


These are the videos from BSides Philadelphia 2016. Thanks to Mike, Vita, Chuck, Dennis and others I'm forgetting for helping with the video.


Attacker's Perspective: A Technical Demonstration of an Email Phishing Attack
Zac Davis

Crashing Android phones via hostile networks
Yakov Shafranovich

I'm Cuckoo for Malware: Cuckoo Sandbox and Dynamic Malware Analysis
Lane Huff

How to Find a Company's BreakPoint
Andrew McNicol

What the deuce? Strategies for splitting your alerts.
John T. Myers

Red Team Yourself
Thomas Richards

Matt Blaze

Solar Flare - Pulling apart SolarWinds ORION
Rob Fuller

Staying Afloat in a Tsunami of Security Information
Tracy Z. Maleeff

Hunting: Defense Against The Dark Arts
Danny Akacki

Every day is a Zero Day: Building an in-house Secure SDLC program
Tony Reinert

Owning MS Outlook with Powershell
Andrew Cole

A tour through the magical wonderful world of crypto land
Ben Agre

Remote attacks against IoT
Alex Balan

Hacking the Human: Social Engineering Basics
Dave Comstock (sten0)

Where do I start?
Charles Sgrillo II

Top 10 Mistakes Made In Active Directory That Can Lead To Being Compromised
Adam Steed

So you want to beat the Red Team?
Cameron Moore

Hacking Your Way into the APRS Network on the Cheap -- Extended Edition
Mark Lenigan

Threat Intel Analysis of Ukrainian's Power Grid Hack
Nir Yosha

Cryptography Pitfalls
John Downey

Information security and the law
Alex Muentz

Getting Permission to Break Things
William Bailey

"Knowing the Enemy"- Creating a Cyber Threat Actor Attribution Program
Jack Johnson

Red Teaming your Risk Management Framework
Keith Pachulski

Web Application Exploit 101 : Breaking Access Control and Business Logic
Tomohisa Ishikawa

Size Doesn't Matter : Metrics and Other Four Letter Security Words
Jim Menkevich


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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast