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Crashing Android phones via hostile networks - Yakov Shafranovich BSides Philadelphia 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Crashing Android phones via hostile networks
Yakov Shafranovich

BSides Philadelphia 2016

Mobile phone operating systems and other applications talk to other servers behind users' back all the time. I will discuss how to leverage those channels by network-level and state-level attackers leading to phone crashes, and further steps towards full exploitation. I will also discuss several related vulnerabilities in non-OS applications that are similar, and implications for users and developers.

I am technology generalist focused on solving problems. Some of things I have done include: developing visual SQL tools, contributing to mobile apps to help people get healthier, and helping non-profits preserve books. I also participated in the development of many anti-spam standards used today (SPF and DomainKeys), and created the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF - RFC 5965) used for exchanging spam reports by most ISPs today. Among other things I authored RFC 4180 which documents the CSV format. I dabble in security and contribute regularly to the Nightwatch Cybersecurity Research blog (https://wwws.nightwatchcybersecurity.com/blog/).

Recorded at BSides Philly 2016

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