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Every day is a Zero Day: Building an in-house Secure SDLC program - Tony Reinert BSides Philadelphia 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Every day is a Zero Day: Building an in-house Secure SDLC program
Tony Reinert
BSides Philadelphia 2016

As applications continue to grow and expand in functionality and behavior, security needs to keep up with this expansion. Creating secure applications begins with the inclusion of security in the early design phases and continues throughout the application’s life cycle. Typically this involves the security team partnering up with the development and operations teams, trying to find software vulnerabilities before they are deployed to production. This conversation will revolve around experiences and best practices in developing an in-house Secure SDLC program. Topics such as SDLC overview, adding value to development, working with development teams, hypothetical scenarios, and measuring success will be discussed.

Tony is a security manager specializing in securing an organization's Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Tony also conducts web application vulnerability assessments and security reviews. Additionally, he has more than ten years of software development experience with a broad range of computer expertise at companies ranging from a small start-up company to a large Fortune 500 corporation.

Recorded at BSides Philly 2016

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