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The Escape Map: Pivoting to a New Life of InfoSec - Erich Jackson Louisville InfoSec 2019 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Escape Map: Pivoting to a New Life of InfoSec
Erich Jackson
Louisville InfoSec 2019

Are you trapped in a job and desperately want to enjoy a technology job again? Does security inspire you but unsure how to make a transition? Just starting out and want to stand out? InfoSec is sometimes a difficult field to break into, but do not despair my intrepid explorers: there is a secret path through those mountains. Just like any good fantasy novel, you'll find your true self during that voyage and get the equipment you need on the way. Together we?ll chart our escape map to gain key skills, stuff an attach?case with hard "knowledge currency?, and assemble an arsenal matched to your interests and strengths. The attempt is worthwhile: even if you don't end up where you thought you would, your career will be improved and with luck you'll find your true passion.

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