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Hacking the SDC Badge SkyDogCon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Hacking the SDC Badge
SkyDogCon 2012

 Rious and Sachin

Do you write programs in some hipster language like Ruby or Python? Well, fuck you! Does your software run on great on your shiny Mac Book Pro? Also, fuck you! Try building your own device with hydrochlorric acid, peroxide and a soldering iron. Try writing software that runs on a microcontoller with less than 1 MB of RAM, and no 'Thunderbolt' port. If you want to be a real hacker, we'll show you where to start.

As a Member of the much-feared Project Nexus hack/phreak group, Rious spent most of his youth and spends much of his present spare time defeating physical security systems. Though now a Cisco and Novell certified engineer with a real job at a large, unnamed, national electronics company, Rious still finds time to wreak havoc on western (and occasionally eastern) Michigan.

Sachin has been building and hacking hardware as part of his day job for the past 16 years. He is employed at a prestigious university where he has designed things that have been launched into space and built instruments for clinical research. Sachin studied molecular biology in college and like a lot of people is doing something completely unrelated to his degree. He has taught himself biomedical engineering through a lot of trial and error. Like many of you Sachin has been tearing apart toys of all kinds since he was a child, now he makes toys for big kids.

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