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Exploring Information Security Q&A Panel - Timothy De Block (ShowMeCon 2018) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Exploring Information Security Q&A Panel
Timothy De Block
ShowMeCon 2018

For this panel we'll have a variety of infosec pros on to answer questions from the audience. The audience become the host of the podcast. Ask the panel anything related to infosec. Nothing is off limits. In lieu of questions the panel will discuss things relevant to the current climate of the infosec field and community. Come contribute or listen to this unique conversation at a fantastic conference.

Bio: Timothy De Block is a senior software security engineer based in Nashville, TN. In his current role he provides guidance to the development on all things security. He believes in building strong relationships and putting people in a position to succeed. As a presenter he believes in quality and providing practical actionable advice to his audience. He is a founding member of ColaSec and the local OWASP chapter in Columbia, SC. When he,s not playing video games he,s producing the Exploring Information Security podcast. A weekly interview based podcast that touches on different infosec topics.

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