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Video Everywhere! aka The Personal Distributed HD Video Network - Woz Notacon 10 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Video Everywhere! aka The Personal Distributed HD Video Network
Notacon 10


My fiancé and I like to watch some of the same TV shows but sometimes we need to go into other rooms and we hate to miss anything! Up to now, we’ve had a couple options: 1. Pause the show, 2. Rewind or 3. Miss part & possibly have gaps in the storyline.

Now that we have our own 1080p HD Video Network, we can keep watching any content from any room in the house! And, if we have differing tastes at times, we can go into separate rooms, keeping our video zones personal.

The basic system is comprised of an HDMI matrix, HDMI extenders, legacy HDMI converters, IR repeaters, as well as your standard AV gear like TVs, monitors, receivers & speakers. Modifications can be made for low-latency audio needs such as DJing or recording studio monitoring.

If you like your tech pervasive, this is one session you must see!


An artist & visionary trapped in a capital world, Woz loves discovering the world around him. He went to CWRU for Computer Science a decade ago and has worked in big corp as well as startups since then. Most recently, he’s been helping software development teams become organizationally healthy and learn to become high performers using this “Agile” thing.

When he’s not “working” Woz likes to hack on some Ruby, produce Drum & Bass, take yoga classes, sweat in the sauna and ride his bike in the Metroparks!

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