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Domestic Preparedness (the zombie Apocalypse is nigh upon us) Illustrious Niteshad | megalos Notacon 10 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Domestic Preparedness (the zombie Apocalypse is nigh upon us) Illustrious
Niteshad | megalos
Notacon 10

This talk will focus on how to prepare yourself, your family, and your home (or bunker) for situations which may arise as a result of natural or man-made disasters. Topics will include how to select the proper generator so that it will play nicely with your computers, what to plan for food stores, and many other topics to consider when the zombies come door to door in search of human brains.


Megalos has been playing with electronics for the better part of his life. He has been a licensed ham radio operator for 20 years, and enjoys blending his knowledge of two radio communications and electronics with his need to break things and make them better (or bury the failures and erase all evidence of having tried.) He has been a member of many public safety entities to include Search & Rescue, fire and EMS, and currently serves as a technical advisor to the New Jersey State Department of Health. His varied background has on many occasions placed him directly in the front lines of disaster response and recovery.

Mark Lenigan has been camping and doing dumb, interesting, exciting and adventurous activities in the back country since at least the mid-1980s. He’s been a hunter for a decade now and routinely goes where there are few roads and even fewer people in search of small (and not-so-small) tasty woodland creatures. As he frequently and humbly likes to put it, “he’s a member of an elite unit (Eagle Scouts) whose motto is ‘Be Prepared’”. He also thinks that most of what constitutes outdoor and survival programming on TV is utter tripe.

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