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Identifying the true IP/Network identity of I2P service hosts talk - Adrian Crenshaw, Blackhat DC 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Identifying the true IP/Network identity of I2P service hosts talk
Adrian Crenshaw, Blackhat DC 2011

This talk will present research into services hosted internally on the I2P anonymity network, especially I2P hosted websites known as eepSites, and how the true identity of the Internet host providing the service may be identified via information leaks on the application layer. By knowing the identity of the Internet host providing the service, the anonymity set of the person or group that administrates the service can be greatly reduced. The core aim of this paper will be to test the anonymity provided by I2P for hosting eepSites, focusing primarily on the application layer and mistakes administrators and developers may make that could expose a service provider’s identity or reduce the anonymity set they are part of. We will show attacks based on the intersection of I2P users hosting eepSites on public IPs with virtual hosting, the use of common web application vulnerabilities to reveal the IP of an eepSite, as well as general information that can be collected concerning the nodes participating in the I2P anonymity network.








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