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Connections: From the Eisenhower Interstate System to the Internet - Damon Small HouSecCon v6 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Connections: From the Eisenhower Interstate System to the Internet
Damon Small
HouSecCon 2015 v6

What can the logistical challenges of moving vehicles across the Country teach us about cybersecurity? Although these two topics seem unrelated, the speaker will take the audience on a journey that begins in early 20th century road-building projects, travels through ARPANET and the commercialization of the Internet, and arrives in current-day cyberspace. These two massive infrastructures have changed the world, and there are important lessons that the former can teach about the latter. The presentation ends with predictions about future of the the Information Superhighway and how security researches can prepare.

Damon Small began his career studying music at Louisiana State University. Pursuing his desire to actually make money, he took advantage of computer skills learned in the LSU recording studio to become a systems administrator in the mid 1990s. Following the dotcom bust in the early 2000s, Small began focusing on cyber security. This has remained his passion, and over the past 14 years as a security professional he has supported infosec initiatives in the healthcare, defense, and oil and gas industries. In addition to his Bachelor of Arts in Music, Small completed the Master of Science in Information Assurance degree from Norwich University in 2005.

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