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Maturing InfoSec: Lessons from Aviation on Information Sharing - Trey Ford HouSecCon v6 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Maturing InfoSec: Lessons from Aviation on Information Sharing
Trey Ford
HouSecCon 2015 v6

If we,re honest, we,re still making a lot of this security stuff up as we go, much like early pilots. The public was afraid of air travel, now it is a critical part of our lives.We wrestle with how to mature our profession- and I believe information sharing will be one of the key forces in driving maturity but probably not in the form you might expect.This talk will explore how aviation moved through the challenges we face, and ask hard questions, and consider how our industry may consider adopting something similar.

Trey Ford is the Global Security Strategist at Rapid7 where he serves as a customer resource, industry and community advocate. Over the last 15 years, Trey ran Black Hat events worldwide as General Manager, and served functions ranging from incident response, product management, PCI QSA and security engineer for a variety for industry leaders including Zynga, McAfee, FishNet Security and WhiteHat Security

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