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Mobile Threat Prevention - Chris Boykin HouSecCon v6 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Mobile Threat Prevention
Chris Boykin
HouSecCon 2015 v6

In today,s smartphone centric world, many dangers lurk around every WiFi corner. From coffee shops, to airports, to your favorite app store the bad actors are trying to get at your data. Join Future Com CTO, Chris Boykin, as he explores the various attacks being used today and learn how to prevent them from landing your company in the headlines, and you in the poor house!

Chris Boykin joined Future Com in 2010 via its acquisition of the Houston based company he founded in 2002, Got Net Security, where their leading product was Check Point. Chris has been in the IT industry for over 20 years in various roles, including network and security consulting and different levels of management. Starting his career as an electronics technician, he eventually worked his way into networking, where he obtained the coveted CCIE certification, Check Point certifications, and various others. He later helped develop Cisco training courses to prepare individuals to work on the Cisco TAC help desk. He has spent the last 12 years focusing on IT Security, where he has led teams of highly skilled consultants to provide solutions to enterprises and small-to-medium businesses. Chris is currently the Chief Technology Officer for Future Com, a Check Point 3-Star Partner, and regularly speaks and sits on expert panels at industry conventions and trade shows.

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