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Application Security in an Agile SDLC - Dennis Hurst HouSecCon v6 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Application Security in an Agile SDLC
Dennis Hurst
HouSecCon 2015 v6

Industry best practices suggest that multiple practices be implemented as software is developed and operated to ensure it is optimally secure. These practices have been developed and continue to evolve based on the methodologies hackers are using to exploit applications. While these practices have traditionally been discussed in the context of Waterfall development processes, implementing them in the context of an Agile SDLC is possible if done correctly and with the objective of not losing the advantages of Agile in the process of introducing security. This presentation will discuss the practices and technologies that are industry best practices and how they can successfully be implemented as part of an Agile SDLC.

Mr. Dennis Hurst is a highly respected security expert with unprecedented expertise in the area of application security and the integration of security into all aspects of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). His broad experience in security, application development, product management, and IT Operations have given him the knowledge and experience to work with many Fortune 500 companies around the globe implementing successful application security programs.,Mr. Hurst has also been influential in many industry organizations such as the Cloud Security Alliance, the Open Web Application Security Project, and other industry groups. He is a founding member of the CloudSecurity Alliance (CSA), where he co-wrote the Application Security section of v1 & v2 of the CSA guidelines.

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