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It's A Disaster! - Cheryl Biswas (Circle City Con 2017 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

It's A Disaster!
Cheryl Biswas

Circle City Con 2017

You don't know what you don't know. There are things we have no control over. Natural disasters, acts of god, kids and spitup. We do, however, have the benefit of history and experience. But as security bears out, we are selective in what we choose to learn. What would you do if something happened and where you "work" no longer worked? At the mention of Disaster Recover, you get the perfunctory nods, the ???Yeah, we have th response. I'm here to rattle the bars on that cage and challenge what people think they know. Many businesses say they have a plan in place, but most have never tested them. Thats a pretty big risk to take. Especially given that DRP is a cornerstone of good security. In this interactive talk, let's explore the TTP required to make our plan work so we can work. Come prepared for a very bad day at the office. Would you like to play a game?

Cheryl works as a cybersecurity analyst, researcher and consultant in Threat Intel with KPMG Canada. Star Trek got her started and Stuxnet led her here. In addition to chocolate, she loves APTs, demystifying mainframe security, and promoting defensible ICS Scada. Building bridges as well as building security awareness are her endgame. Cheryl holds a specialized honors degree in political science, and is ITIL designated. She uses her words to speak at various cons and to share her insights online and in print.

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