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Fuzzing with AFL - Adam DC949 (Circle City Con 2017 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Fuzzing with AFL
Adam DC949

Circle City Con 2017

Fuzzing is easy to learn, but hard to master. This will give you an overview of the fuzzer which have become the gold standard of fuzzing, lcamtuf's American Fuzzy Lop (AFL). We'll go over the logic of mutation based fuzzing, how the feedback loop works, different mutation strategies, and different execution paths are found. Then we'll go over practical usage of AFL, and finally talk about the limitations of AFL and how people are working around them.

Adam is one of the founders of DC949 and has been hacking on things for over a decade. Previous shenanigans include but are not limited to: breaking reCAPTCHA with an accuracy of 99.1%, turning Twitter into a filesystem, and co-founding Open Capture The Flag (OCTF) at DEF CON. As a day job, he finds 0-days. His favorite kind of vulnerabilities are the design flaws. Why? Because one does not simply release a patch for a design flaw!


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