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Circle City Con 2016 Videos (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Circle City Con 2016 Videos

These are the Circle City Con videos. Thanks to the staff for inviting me down to record. Big thanks to Mike, 3ncr1pt3d, fl3uryz, InfaNamecheap, f0zziehak, Chris, PhenixFire, Sammy and other for helping set up AV and record.

Opening Ceremony
CircleCityCon Staff

Keynote - Dave Lewis
Dave Lewis

Food Fight!
Wolfgang Goerlich

Binary defense without privilege
Steve Vittitoe

Establishing a Quality Vulnerability Management Program without Wasting Time or Money
Zee Abdelnabi (not posted)

Why it's all snake oil - and that may be ok
Pablo Breuer

Break on Through (to the Other Side)
Grape Ape

Bootstrapping A Security Research Project
Andrew Hay

Playing Doctor: Lessons the Blue Team Can Learn from Patient Engagement
Wolfgang Goerlich

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The Internet of Deadly Things
Bryan K. Fite

Killing you softly
Josh Bressers

Now You See Me, Now You Don't - Leaving your Digital Footprint
Aamir Lakhani

Red Team Madness - Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Expect Pentester Mistakes
Jeremy Nielson

Open Source Malware Lab
Robert Simmons

So you want to be a CISO?
Von Welch

Medical Devices, the Flat Network of Unknown Risks
Arlie Hartman

You want to put what…where?
John Stauffacher

PPRT - PowerShell Phishing Response Toolkit
Josh Rickard

 IoT on Easy Mode Reversing and Exploiting Embedded Devices
Elvis Collad

Top 10 Mistakes in Security Operations Centers, Incident Handling & Response
Paul R. Jorgensen

Contextual Threat Intelligence: Building a Data Science Capability into the Hunt Team
Brian Genz

Head in the Sand Defence or A Stuxnet for Mainframes
Haydn Johnson; Cheryl Biswas

SIEM, Supersized!
Walleed Aljony

Fantastic OSINT and where to find it
Tony Robinson (da_667)

A Major New Trend in the Enterprise is Whitelisted Proxies
Matt Dyas; John Valin

Creating a Successful Collegiate Security Club (WIP)
Chris "Lopi" Spehn; Adam "avidhacker" Ringrood

Where to Start When Your Environment is F*(K3d
InfoSystir (Amanda Berlin)

Haking the Next Generation
David Schwartzberg

Exfil and Reverse Shells in a Whitelisted World

Hacking Our Way Into Hacking
Kat Sweet

Attacking OSX for fun and profit: Toolset Limitations, Frustration and Table Flipping
Viss (Tentler)

Intro to Mobile Device Testing
Damian Profancik

Your Password Policy Still Sucks!
Martin Bos

Closing Ceremony
CircleCityCon Staff


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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast