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Now You See Me, Now You Don,t - Leaving your Digital Footprint - Aamir Lakhani (Circle City Con 2016 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Now You See Me, Now You Don,t - Leaving your Digital Footprint
Aamir Lakhani

Circle City Con 2016

Your first impression is your only impression. However, your first impression may already have been made. Many people leave behind bread crumbs of their personal life on social media, within professional organizations, and on other websites. Your computer, your smartphone, your pictures and credit reports all create a information rich profile about you. This talk will discuss all the different threats that exist that leak your information, and how attackers can use open source intelligence to find you. We will discuss techniques used by law enforcement and private investigators used to track individuals. Learn how you can hide from the Internet, or use it to uncover someone's deepest darkest secrets.

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