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IT Isn't Rocket Science - David Mortman (Central Ohio Infosec Summit 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

IT Isn't Rocket Science
David Mortman

Tech1 - Session #3 - David Mortman Information security isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to cost as much as your typical space program either. Many of the problems in information security are fairly simple (Not necessarily easy, just not that complex. I'm going to talk about the range of security issues that can be handled more easily while spending little to no additional money. Not only will this make your life easier, but it will free up time and money to work on the really hard and complex problems that we are also facing day to day.

Bio: David Mortman is the Chief Security Architect and a Distinguished Engineer for Dell Software and Contributing Analyst at Securosis. Most recently he was the Director of Security and Operations for C3, LLC. Formerly the Chief Information Security Officer for Siebel Systems, Inc., David and his team were responsible for Siebel's worldwide IT security infrastructure, both internal and external. He also worked closely with Siebel's product groups and the company's physical security team and is leading up Siebel's product security and privacy efforts. Previously, Mr. Mortman was Manager of IT Security at Network Associates, where, in addition to managing data security, he deployed and tested all of NAI's security products before they were released to customers. Before that, Mortman was a Security Engineer for Swiss Bank. Mr. Mortman is a regular speaker at RSA, Blackhat, Defcon. In the past year, he has presented at RSA, BSidesLV and DEF CON. Mr. Mortman sits on a variety of advisory boards including Qualys and Lookout amongst others. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of Chicago.

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