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Ten Practical Ideas For Creating An Attentive and Supportive Organization: Sales & Marketing For the Security Team - Glenn Miller (Central Ohio Infosec Summit 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Ten Practical Ideas For Creating An Attentive and Supportive Organization: Sales & Marketing For the Security Team
Glenn Miller

Executive - Session #2 - Glenn Miller Funding for adequate security is always a challenge--and a growing one--with the threat environment constantly growing. But the skills needed to provide and manage a security function do NOT include "Sales and Marketing" expertise! All organizations have a limited amount of funds to invest internally, and all functions have to 'compete' for their share of those funds. Competing for funds is not like 'running in a race' but rather more like 'selling better'--having compelling or persuasive arguments to justify investment. This session will focus on 10 very concrete and easy-to-implement ideas for building better awareness, appreciation, and support for the security function. These ideas and tactics are not unique to security, but rather represent successful practices of business groups in large organizations--with special utility to IT and IT-related functions.

Bio: With over 40 years in the technology industry, Glenn's background includes research, consulting, and IT management, as well as extensive experience in assessing and planning IT directions for clients. As head of Macquarie's Strategic Advisory Services, Glenn brings the unique perspective of an executive who has served in both CFO and CIO roles during his career. Before joining Macquarie, Glenn owned his own consulting company and has held executive level IT and finance positions at such organizations as GATX Technology, Accelero Solutions, Entex Information Services, JWP, and Businessland. Glenn travels extensively, advising executives on trends and issues in IT management, technology and financing. He is also well published and has conducted presentations to major audiences worldwide. Glenn received an M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Mississippi State University.

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