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KEYNOTE, Jack Daniel: "The State of Security BSides" BSides Las Vegas 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

KEYNOTE, Jack Daniel: "The State of Security BSides"

3 years, 5 continents, 9 countries, 34 cities, 53 events. Not a bad start. As an all-volunteer organization, from the central org to every event, we have done amazing things. We have also left a few things undone, or done at a more leisurely pace than many of us would like. In this session I will quickly review the history of BSides, specifically the central organization, then detail the steps which have been taken in the past year to resolve disagreements and formalize the organization.

I have audit results from the first org transaction through the end of 2011, I will present summaries and review the finances. The change in operation of "house events" has a significant impact on BSides finances, I'll discuss this, as well as the consequences, intended and otherwise, of discontinuing Global Sponsorships. I have had several conversations with BSides organizers to discuss direction for the central org, a summary of these discussions will be presented, and hopefully the conversations will continue during and after the presentation.


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