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The Digital Beginning of the Analog End - Brad Hegrat Bsides Cleveland 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Digital Beginning of the Analog End
Brad Hegrat

Despite the somewhat ominous title, this is not a FUD (Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt) talk, but rather an in depth discussion of what an industrial/ICS/DCS/SCADA/IoT environment is, it's evolutionary progression, and most importantly why it matters. Its time to set the record straight. This discussion will break down the differences and nuance in these common infrastructures and discuss why most people are flat out wrong in their understanding and assumptions of the environments. If time permits, we can discuss/Q&A the stuxnet package - as much as I hate talking about it (STILL), most people get this wrong too.

Brad has more than 20 years non-standard* offensive/defensive security experience (*as in not vanilla IT, more like classified, blowupable environments, etc) with16 years in industrial/ICS/DCS/SCADA as a singular focus - in other words, back when nobody cared about industrial, and it wasn't the new hotness

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