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My talk will demonstrate how to use Raspberry Pi's in a classroom environment to create fun cyber related activities for middle and high-school students. This talk will discuss my experiences using Raspberry Pi computers for the Augusta University GenCyber summer academy. Student built robots using Raspberry Pi's to learn about CyberSecurity. They then used more Raspberry Pi's to perform vulnerability assessments on the robots. Finally students competed in a head to head competition of Robots vs. Hackers to see who was the ultimate cyber Dr. Krautheim is a Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Augusta University and a member of the AU Cyber Institute. Dr. Krautheim has over 15 years of Cyber Security experience with the Federal Government and as an academic. Dr. Krautheim holds both CISSP and ISSEP certifications. His interests include cyber physical systems, virtualization and network security, and malware reverse engineering.
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