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Jumping the Fence: Comparison and Improvements for Existing Jump Oriented Programming Tools - John Dunlap (ANYCon 2017 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Jumping the Fence: Comparison and Improvements for Existing Jump Oriented Programming Tools
John Dunlap

ANYCon 2017

In this talk I will compare ROP compiler support for Jump Oriented Programming (?JOP?) across exploit tools and software architectures in order to identify areas for expansion and improvement. I will discuss improvements to existing JOP tool chains, and propose an architecture for an improved JOP chain compiler system as well as elucidate common use cases where JOP techniques can offer better results over the standard return oriented programming techniques.

John Dunlap is a security Engineer at Gotham Digital Science specializing in static analysis and code review. Gotham Digital science is a boutique penetration testing firm specializing in testing of unusual or otherwise bespoke software systems. John?s main research interests include concolic execution, reverse engineering and advanced exploitation techniques.

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