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RE, CND, Geopolitics, Oh My! SkyDogCon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

RE, CND, Geopolitics, Oh My!
SkyDogCon 2012

Jeff Brown

This session will delve into reverse engineering on a highly publicized piece of malware. A VMware image or ISO image will be made available to the attendees containing all the tools needed. I will step through obtaining static indicators from the file, peel back various wrappers, shellcode extraction and debugging of the code. This can be a good introduction for those who are interested in reverse engineering and seeing capabilities of those who manufacture said malware. Finally we'll tie everything together with a bit of social media and historical events.

Jeff Brown is the Director of Cyber Operations at Cyber Clarity, a United States consulting organization located in northern Virginia. Jeff has worked in various large scale security operations centers where he augmented analytical capabilities and provided trainings/briefings on current cyber threats to their constituents. Previous experience include advancing analytics at US-CERT, briefings for the FS-ISAC, FIRST and various federal agencies as well as conducted training on current cyber threats to law enforcement and SOC analysts across various sectors. He has developed curriculum and taught classes on information assurance for Regis University and in his spare time he experiments on a six string by applying various modes over major and minor scales.

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