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Skeleton Key: Transforming Medical Discussions Through 3D Printing. - KK Pandya Notacon 10 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Skeleton Key: Transforming Medical Discussions Through 3D Printing.
KK Pandya
Notacon 10

3D printing technology can transform how we discuss, diagnose, learn and explain complex medical and surgical problems. Going from bot-to-bedside with printed models can give both patients, families, and physicians a tangible link to an injury, illness, or procedure.

Dr. KK Pandya will discuss the fundamentals of the diagnostic medical imaging, his research in building customized medical models for patients, and demonstrate Free & Open Source tools for taking CT and MRI data to your 3D printer.

Bring your own medical imaging (CDs from MRI & CT scans) to the breakout session, and KK will assist you in exporting these to 3D modeling software.

KK Pandya is a physician, hacker, traveler, and humanitarian, sometimes all at once. He was forged from the ashes of Detroit’s Rubi-Con, and has been field-tested in crises including DEFCON, Black Rock City, post-Katrina Mississippi, post-Sandy New Jersey, and at hospitals and clinics throughout North and South America. His medical interests include rehabilitation from traumatic injuries, and improving how technology is used in patient care. KK frequently resides in a Subaru, a tent, or on your couch.

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