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WHAS 11 Webcam Exploit (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

WHAS 11 Webcam Exploit

       Below is a segment I did an interview for. They took very little of what I said, and played up the voyeur aspect (I told them webcams were not that big a worry, but drive by bot installs were).


They were asking about a specific vulnerability, and sent me some links. I told them:

1. Looks like they are relating it to Operation Aurora.

2. It's not really webcam specific, any vulnerability that say it allows for "arbitrary code execution" could do the same thing.

3. Most of the buzz seems to be talking about IE 6, which it pretty out of date. However, some corporations still run it because it it what their webapps support.

4. The specific vulnerability is CVE-2010-0249 and code for the exploit can be found here:

5. Microsoft has release a patch for it:

6. If a user is silly enough to run a random exe a website/email/p2p network gives them, they will likely get "owned" regardless of the whither on not there is an exploit.

7. There are programs out there that can be used to monitor others. An exploit that allows for "arbitrary code execution" can install one in theory, but so could a snooping significant other.

8. Google hacking/Google dorks are always fun. Basically, people put devices on an Internet facing LAN that should not. Beside webcams, you can also fine printers and other devices. Try these Google searches:

intitle:"Live View / – AXIS"

Or a big list from here:


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