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Setting Up Tor Hidden Services (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Setting Up Tor Hidden Services

In a previous video I covered using the Tor anonymity network to browse the web anonymously. In this one I'll cover the basics of setting up a Tor hidden service. With a Tor hidden service, the true host IP of the service is hidden by the Tor network. Instead of having to hand out the true IP of the server, a service creator can hand out a *.onion hostname that's not linked directly to them. By setting up a Tor hidden service it becomes much harder for an adversary to figure out where the service is really being hosted from, and thus much harder to shutdown. This is a great thing for people like whistle blowers and political dissidents that want to share information anonymously, unfortunately it's also useful to pedos so be careful what links you choose to click on the onion network.

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