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You have heard how Big Data is going to revolutionize security. How is going to do that? What does Big Data Security Analytics actually mean, and how are people using it today. Learn the next generation of breach detection as we walk thru how security professionals are using security analytics to detect anomalies faster, predict future security events, and learn where the industry is headed. Bio: Aamir Lakhani is a leading security architect and runs the popular security blog Dr. Chaos at www.DrChaos.com. He is responsible to provide IT security solutions to major commercial and federal enterprise organizations. Lakhani has designed offensive counter defense measures for defense and intelligence agencies, and has assisted organizations in defending themselves from active strike back attacks perpetrated by underground cyber groups. Lakhani is considered an industry leader in support of detailed architectural engagements and projects on topics related to cyber defense, mobile application threats, malware and Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) research, and Dark Security.
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