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Video Tales and Fails: Recording your conference and sharing it with the community SkyDogCon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Video Tales and Fails: Recording your conference and sharing it with the community
SkyDogCon 2013

So, you are running you own hacker event and want to record it for posterior, err, I mean posterity? How do you go about that on the cheap/inexpensively and get good result to share with the community? SkyDog and Irongeek have recorded A LOT of conferences over the years and will share their experiences and tips for recording hacker conferences and events. Whether you want to record a one day BSides or a multi-day security conference, this talk is for you. Cover topics include: What we have used in the past, what works well, unexpected failing points, what gear to buy at different price points, where and how to share the videos, speaker wrangling tips and more.

About the Speaker(s)

IronGeek has worked in the IT industry for the last twelve years. He runs the information security website Irongeek.com, which specializes in videos and articles that illustrate how to use various pen-testing and security tools.

With 20+ years of experience in network security and computer science, SkyDog possesses a unique skillset of technological diversity and depth. 

His accomplishments range from the design and support of enterprise level system architectures, to developing custom security products and solutions.

 As an industry leader in the hacker community, his expertise in vulnerability assessment and exploitation, provide him with valuable insight for developing security strategies. He is responsible for establishing and running several Information Security conferences, including Outerz0ne and SkyDogCon. He spends his time researching security, performing data recovery services, and continuing to advance the field of InfoSec through educating and promoting discussion among its community.



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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast