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Branden Miller: DEFENSE-IN-DEPTH: FISTS, KNIFE, GUN SkyDogCon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

SkyDogCon 2013

About the Speaker

Branden Miller is a Senior Security Analyst at a statewide hospital system with over 10,000 employees. Blah, blah, blah. Branden is a Constitutionalist. He spends most of his spare time analyzing the effects of government and technology on the average citizen. He retired from the Navy in 2011 after 20 years of performing various jobs as a Cryptologist. These jobs included the installation and maintenance of submarine collection systems, system administration, auditor, Target Digital Network Analyst, Digital Network Exploitation Analyst, malware analyst, and adjunct faculty for the National Cryptologic School.

He can frequently be seen discussing all aspects of the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights. His favorite Amendments are the 2nd,  4th, and 5th. If you see him out in town, he will be armed (either open or concealed).

Feel free to follow him on Twitter: @cowboysfaninky or his blog: infosecdelta.blogspot.com

As for accolades, he placed second in the mustache competition at DEFCON  XX.


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