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Panel Title: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: HIPAA in an InfoSec World - Hudson Harris (ShowMeCon 2017) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Panel Title: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: HIPAA in an InfoSec World
Hudson Harris
ShowMeCon 2017

best practices and pro-tips on how to mitigate risk and navigate the coming changes to the HIPAA enforcement landscape. The talk will host 4 panelists from diverse backgrounds that will provide an in-depth, boots on the ground approach to HIPAA. The panel will include privacy counsel from a Fortune 500 company, a shareholder from a national top health care law firm, a privacy officer from a company with more than 100 service locations, and a HIPAA Auditor from a top gap analysis consulting firm. This panel will provide attendees a unique opportunity to interact with four very different perspectives on HIPAA compliance, from corporate privacy to audits to investigation response and recovery.

Bio: Hudson Harris is the Chief Revenue Officer for Adapt of America and Harris Logic, a precision health technology company that develops big data solutions. His current focus is the development and implementation of Stella, a big data analytics suite that allows clients to reduce costs and improve care by integrating multiple data sets and enabling live decision support. In addition, he consults on privacy and security issues, business strategy, risk management, and compliance. He holds a BA in International Affairs, a Masters of International Business, M.B.A., J.D., and is a licensed attorney in California. Hudson is a frequent speaker at conference, on podcasts, and webinars. He is an avid writer as a staff Contributor to Tripwire, State of Security and writes various articles on the intersection of healthcare, technology, and privacy centric issues at legallevity.com.

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