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VR-Bleeding Edge of Development and Technology-But Are We Making Old Mistakes? - Arnar Gunnarson (ShowMeCon 2017) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

VR-Bleeding Edge of Development and Technology-But Are We Making Old Mistakes?
Arnar Gunnarson
ShowMeCon 2017

Everything last year, this year and at least for the next 10 years is VR VR VR and its finally here to stay. We are used to the idea that new software and hardware for current technology has to go through a lot of security procedures/procceses and testing during development. But now heres a completely new technology and were so immersed in the idea that our childhood fantasies are becoming reality that weve forgotten some of our most basic security practices and are accepting what were given. The field started out with industry giants that we trust (even though experience has showed us not to) developing this industry from scratch but these days you can buy Chinese made VR headsets from AliExpress for 14$ and we all know how much though was put into that development. In this talk I will go over privacy issues with current generation VR and show you what data is available to be gathered and sent to the manufacturer we will also go over internal security measures in the VR datastream and what can be compromised and used maliciously and what features of the VR platform helps to make us secure. Well then end the lecture by looking into our close future and talk about the features that are confirmed to be coming and what that means and why psychiatrists are excited and why the rest of us should be weary.

Bio: Arnar S. Gunnarsson works as the CTO for the Operations division for one of Iceland's largest MSP/Hosting providers (Nherji). Arnar has 15 years experience with enterprise level IT and has been on the Ops side for most of that time but focusing on security for about 5 years. He has worked on a large percentage of Iceland's critical infrastructure and leads Nherji's security response team and has a seat in it's security council. Arnar was the organizer for the first BSides conference in Iceland and organized the event for two years and is planning for the next InfoSec conference in Iceland.

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