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Sensory Perception: A DIY Approach to Building a Wireless Sensor Network - Tim Fowler (ShowMeCon 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Sensory Perception: A DIY Approach to Building a Wireless Sensor Network
Tim Fowler
ShowMeCon 2015

Have you ever put a wireless card in monitor mode just to look at the airwaves around you? Did you get a lot of data? The amount of data that traverses the airwaves every day is staggering. From smartphones, laptops, tablets and even the cars we drive, it seems that everything isbroadcasting some sort of data. We just need a way to capture all of that data and turn that data into something useful. This talk will walk through the history and process of building the Harbinger Sensor Network and how you can build your very own for almost any budget. Just getting the data is only half the battle, now you must do something with it. Finally this presentation looks at how someone can leverage the data collected from a single sensor to 10,000 or more sensors deployed all over world for good?evil and a few things in between.

Bio: Tim has a passion for enabling others to do for themselves and this is best seen in his work with small business and organizations to help them develop security policies and procedures to best protect them and their customers. He spends a lot of his time trying to bridge the gap between the small businesses ideals of security compared to the real world threat. By leveraging open source solutions Tim is able to help organizations fortify their systems, networks and people in a way that might not be possible otherwise. He is dedicated to developing comprehensive education and awareness programs, for organizations, based on real world threats to better protect us all, Tim?s time in both enterprise and open source communities allow for a unique perspective and approach to protecting ourselves, businesses and our data in today?s digital world. Former speaker at BSides Huntsville, BSides Asheville, BSides Augusta, BSides Nashville, Hacker Halted, Hack3rCon, POSSCON, and SELF.

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