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Physical (In)Security – It’S Not All About Cyber - Inbar Raz (ShowMeCon 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Physical (In)Security – It’S Not All About Cyber
Inbar Raz

ShowMeCon 2014

Today’s threat landscape is all about Cyber. We have cyber threats, cyber security, cyber warfare, cyber intelligence, cyber espionage… Cyber is a synonym for the Internet, but sometimes, it’s not -all- about the internet. Focusing defenses on the Internet front leads to some wrong assumptions and the overlooking of much simpler, yet just-as-dangerous attack vectors.Bio:Inbar has been teaching and lecturing about Internet Security and Reverse Engineering for nearly as long as he has been doing that himself. He started programming at the age of 9 on his Dragon 64. At 13 he got a PC, and promptly started Reverse Engineering at the age of 14 and through high-school he was a key figure in the Israeli BBS scene. He spent most of his career in the Internet Security field, and the only reason he’s not in jail right now is because he chose the right side of the law at an earlier age.

Inbar specializes in outside-the-box approach to analyzing security and finding vulnerabilities. Since late 2011, he has been running the Malware and Security Research at Check Point, using his extensive experience of over 20 years in the Internet and Data security fields. He has presented at a number of conferences, including Kaspersky SAS, Hack.lu, ZeroNights and the e-crime Congress.

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