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Hacking To Get Caught: A Concept For Adversary Replication And Penetration Testing - Raphael Mudge (ShowMeCon 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Hacking To Get Caught: A Concept For Adversary Replication And Penetration Testing
Raphael Mudge

ShowMeCon 2014

It’s 2014 and most of us accept that there are well resourced actors who are after the wealth that live on our information systems. In light of this fact, how do we understand our ability to defend a network against these well resourced actors and use this understanding as a starting point to get better? To answer these questions, this talk will present a concept for adversary replication as a new type of penetration testing service. Where most assessments focus on vulnerabilities and security controls, we will look at adversary replication as a tool to exercise our intelligence and its support to computer network defense. We will also discuss how our tools must evolve to make this possible.


Raphael Mudge is the founder of Strategic Cyber LLC, a Washington, DC
based company that creates software for red teams. Raphael’s work
Armitage pioneered ideas to allow red teams to collaborate and scale
their efforts. He also worked on red team automation through DARPA’s
Cyber Fast Track program. Besides Armitage, Raphael is the creator of
the threat emulation software Cobalt Strike and the inventor of the
grammar checker on WordPress.com. His work has appeared on the cover
of the Linux Journal, the Fox sitcom Breaking In, and other
publications. Raphael regularly speaks on security topics and provides
red team support to many cyber defense exercises.

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