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It's awesome when we have a nice datacenter with oodles of compute, network, and storage. Most of us can't quite front the cost for that home datacenter, so we have to figure out the best way to build infrastructure to secure or break. This class will explore infrastructure automation in the home using modern tools including QEMU/KVM, Packer, Vagrant, Zerotier, and OpenVSwitch. If we have reasonable internet access, we will also experience cloud bursting to understand how that can provide on-demand compute without the expense of 24/7 operations. Students will create both CentOS and Windows VM's in an automated build process from ISO and learn how to deploy them via Vagrant.
They will experiment with OpenVSwitch and Zerotier to get exposure to VXLan and software defined networking that will allow VM's running on disparate hypervisors that ability to communicate as though they were connected on a local network. Finally, they will be exposed to Google Cloud and Packet.net to understand two different cloud approaches (service and baremetal) to understand how remote hosting can help provide extensive compute resources on demand without spending hundreds of dollars. I'm a site reliability engineer that spends most of my time maintaining Linux based infrastructure both on-premises and in the cloud. I have a relatively large home lab that I spend an unreasonable amount of time tinkering in.
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