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Minute Man: All I Need is 60 Seconds Rick Deacon Notacon 9 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Minute Man: All I Need is 60 Seconds Rick Deacon
Notacon 9


This talk is about information security. Tons of it. Each topic we discuss is getting *around* 30-60 seconds, then we’re moving on to the next. We’re gunna hit it hard and we’re going to hit it fast. Touching(and showing) what matters most about varying topics that people encounter daily in information security/penetration testing, as well some of the big ‘things’ at the moment. This won’t entirely be serious business. Who needs a minute, man?

This talk will be especially useful to the people who aren’t inundated with security on a daily basis; giving them a look into what we deal with. :)


A Sr. Security Analyst at Stach & Liu, a consulting firm dealing mainly with Fortune 100 companies; performing penetration tests, code review and all types of assessment work. Been in the security industry for 5 years, former Notacon presenter(2007) as well as a local Clevelander who recently moved to San Francisco, bringing a fresh perspective to the security and IT industry scene of Cleveland. Former speaker at Defcon, B-Sides and a known face in Cleveland’s security industry.


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