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Kinetic Security Knuckles, Jeff “ghostnomad” Kirsch, Ghostnomadjr Notacon 9 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Kinetic Security Knuckles, Jeff “ghostnomad” Kirsch, Ghostnomadjr
Notacon 9


20 years ago I graduated from high school with a 386 SX desktop computer, connected to the local FreeNet with my 9600 baud modem, and used the local libraries dialup card catalog to telnet to the internet. Today my kids connect to the internet at speeds once only available to high paying customers and don’t just use computers to go online. All the while threats to us online have grown exponentially and show no signs of slowing. As we try to educate others who didn’t grow up with computers, our kids are surpassing us in ability and knowledge.

My two oldest sons will discuss how they use technology and we will dive into what being secure means. From gaming to blogging, making to breaking, and protecting your identity to social engineering, we take on the topics that challenge information technology professionals and information security people everyday. We will open up the discussion for everyone to ask the next generation how they perceive security and the future of technology. We may be reaching our maximum kinetic energy, but the future generation is still building up their potential energy to change the information security landscape.


Ghostnomadjr is a typical fifth grader who enjoys spending time with his dad playing/making games, and telling stories in his own way. As a black belt in Tae Kwon Do he understands the need for discipline and the need to help others with compassion and leadership. This translates into a fearless approach to understanding technology and making it work the way he wants it to.

Knuckles is a second grader who loves telling stories and playing outside. Along with his brother, he loves to play games and challenge what he could build as an ideal game. Using technology to tell stories has become a love for him as he has gotten into producing stop motion videos and writes stories to share with his friends. He never misses and opportunity to share the need to stay secure when he sees his friends heading down the wrong path.

Ghostnomad is a husband and father who is passionate about technology. He doesn’t push his kids into technology, but helps guide them to explore the digital world while staying secure. With four kids in the house he always needs to stay ahead of the curve with online threats while letting them explore the digital world and use it to enhance their lives. This inspired him to start writing Haiku about technology in hopes of explaining complexity through simplicity.


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