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Development Operations: Take Back Your Infrastructure Mark Stanislav Notacon 9 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Development Operations: Take Back Your Infrastructure Mark Stanislav
Notacon 9


Development Operations (DevOps) brings to infrastructure what Agile has been doing for almost a decade prior with software. There lies a disconnect in many working environments between system administration and software development teams. On the system administration side, little has been changing in terms of process and methodologies employed, while software developers are breaking the mold and finding better efficiency and maintainability of their code-bases. DevOps provides the system administrator with a set of methodologies that can be implemented to take back their infrastructure. Come learn how a Linux system administrator can use a diverse set of tools and process to not only create and maintain better infrastructure, but also close the gap with their software developer counter-parts.


Mark Stanislav is a Senior Consultant for a managed security services provider in Michigan. Through a decade of systems administration, information security, and web application development, Mark has experienced IT within the context of small business, start-up, collegiate, and corporate environments. Mark has presented 20 times in the last two years at various conferences & organizational events around the mid-west. Mark holds his Bachelor’s of Science in Networking & IT Administration and a Master’s of Technology Studies in Information Assurance, both from Eastern Michigan University. His passions include infrastructure automation, cloud computing, information security, Ruby development, and collegiate teaching.


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