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Omega – A Universe Over IP - Mo Morsi Notacon 11 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Omega – A Universe Over IP Mo Morsi
Notacon 11

The Omega Project is an open source Universe Simulator built ontop of the JSON-RPC protocol. This allows a variety of clients running on many platforms to access and control custom-user defined universes in real time via any transport.
Omega provides many features including location tracking in 3D space, an interface through which to create and manage a multitude of cosmos-level and player-controller entities which may be interacted with in many different ways, mechanisms to script highly-dynamic runtime-events and workflows, and much more.
Omega also provides the means to link simulations together in a P2P matter indefinetly, and comes with a rich WebGL based frontend,providing an interactive view on the universe.
With this talk we aim discuss the architechture and underlying technologies behind the project and to conduct a live demonstration of the Omegaverse in action.

Mo Morsi is an avid lover of all things open and transparent. For work and in his spare time Mo develops open source software for a multitude of purposes. Besides coding, Mo enjoys the art of Aikido and playing the guitar.
For complete list of works visit http://mo.morsi.org

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