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Don't be stupid with GitHub - Metacortex NolaCon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Don't be stupid with GitHub

You might be surprised (you shouldn't be) that people are being stupid on the internet. The particular stupidity I will be talking about is the use of GitHub. People upload the wildest things you can imagine to GitHub. Think content management configuration files, RSA private keys, their /etc/passwd fileÉ..their /etc/shadow file. This talk will show you how to find these instances of stupidity and how to harvest all of the stupidity you possibly can from GitHub.

The end of the world is probably not right around the corner but metacortex will tell you it is just to see if you will freak out, purchase all the water possible from Walmart, horde cheap bic lighters, and hide in the shipping container buried in your back yard. Metacortex is active in the SLC hacker scene as a member of DC801 and a founder of the SLC Hacker Space 801 Labs.


Recorded at NolaCon 2016

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