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Breaking Barriers: Adversarial Thinking for Defenders - Stacey Banks NolaCon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Breaking Barriers: Adversarial Thinking for Defenders
Stacey Banks

Easily searching across an application's data is a pervasive need. If you are lucky, you can get away with simple sorting or searching on a single column, but it is more likely that you need full text search across multiple models, all from a single search ``. Thanks to the power of [Postgres' full text search], [rolling your own search] isn't too difficult. Following an actual feature evolution which I worked on for a client, we will start with a search feature that queries a single column with `LIKE` and build up to finding results across multiple columns on multiple tables using database views, optimizing the query time with full text indices and representing the results as a polymorphic association on an ActiveRecord model in Rails.

InfoSec Wonk. Geek. Pirate Captain. Triathlete. GRT.


Recorded at NolaCon 2016

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