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Where does Data Security fit into the Data Quality strategy? - Michael Vincent Louisville InfoSec 2014 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Where does Data Security fit into the Data Quality strategy?
Michael Vincent
Louisville InfoSec 2014

In the middle of the night, you are suddenly awakened with a sense of general concern. Your heart is racing and in a panicked moment of horror, you feel tingling in your arm and a sense of increasing pressure in your chest. You are having a heart attack! Panicked, you scream for help and your spouse immediately wakes up. You alert them to your situation as the pain increases. Your spouse quickly calls 911. You are rushed to the hospital and are provided immediate care in the ambulance. In the Emergency room, the drapes are thrown back and quickly a young man in a suit ushers with several nurses in tow. He introduces himself as a CPA. He senses the look of confusion and calmly explains that the hospital executives had noticed that since he was so good at being in charge of accounts payable, he would obviously be a great heart doctor. Sound ridiculous? It is. But this is exactly the same scenario that plays out in many companies that incorrectly believe that because someone is provides excellence in their current role , they can be moved into a leadership role in IT security. This, among many other strategic risks will be discussed in this presentation. Michael Vincent currently works for LG&E and KU Energy as Manager of IT and Operational Auditing. Previously, Michael worked for Humana in the Internal Audit and Consulting Group in various roles and titles ranging from SOX Program Manager to Audit Consulting Lead in the Data Quality team. Michael currently holds the CIA, CISA, PMP, and CRMA certifications and was the President of the Louisville IIA Chapter from 2013 through 2014. Michael is also a past President of the Louisville ISACA Chapter. Michael is a graduate from the University of Louisville with both undergrad and graduate degrees. He currently lives in Taylorsville, KY and when not at work can usually be found on his farm.

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