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STRC: The Security Training and Research Cloud - Jimmy Murphy Louisville InfoSec 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

STRC: The Security Training and Research Cloud - Jimmy Murphy
Louisville InfoSec 2013

STRC is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud focused on security research and training. It was a Masters project at the University of Louisville, and was used by the University’s Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition team to train for multiple competitions. It heavily uses virtualization, having only one piece of physical networking equipment in the entire build. The cost was kept to an absolute minimum, and mostly open source tools were used. This talk will explain how the cloud was built, what it’s been used for, the potential uses in the future, and how it can be implemented in other areas.

Jimmy is a graduate of the University of Louisville from the Computer Engineering and Computer Science program. He was involved in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition for three years. His research focus was in networking and security.

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