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GrrCON 2019 Videos

GrrCON 2019 Videos

These are the videos of the presentations from GrrCON 2019. Big thanks to P1nkN1ghtmare and EggDropX for having me out, and my video crew  (paint27, LizardSlack, BrettAHansen, and ZTC1980) for recording.

Welcome to GrrCON
(Not Recorded)

Amanda 'Infosystir' Berlin

Baselining Behavior Tradecraft through Simulations
Dave Kenendy

I PWN thee, I PWN thee not!
Jayson Street

Automating Phishing Analysis
Kyle Eaton

Black Hats & White Collars : Bitcoin, Dark Nets and Insider Trading
Ken Westin

Atlas of Doom

How Nathan Crashed and Burned
Nathan Dragun

Reverse Engineering Malware for N00bs

Host-Hunting on a Budget

Rachel "Soul Crusher86" G

Cons & Careers

Atomic Threat Coverage: operationalized ATT&CK
Mikhail Aksenov
(Didn't happen)

Hacking the Boardroom: How to communicate effectively to get your budget
Ryan Wisniewski

Power Detection
Kyle Shattuck
(Didn't happen, see link above for bonus talk)

The Science of Breaking and Entering
Alissa dnsprincess

Hashes; Smothered and Scattered: Modern Password Cracking as a Methodology
Lee Wangenheim & Joshua Platz

Inhumane: Making Security Hard on Criminals, Easy on Everyone Else
J Wolfgang Goerlich
(Not Posted)

Big Plane, Little Plane: How common aviation attacks affect airlines and general aviation
Phil Polstra

Bundespwn leak!!!! If you have noting to hide you have nothing to fear......
Arron "Finux" Finnon
(Not Recorded)

Closing Ceremony & Prizes
(Not Recorded)

Kelley Robinson

Nerding out with machine data
Nick Maier

Breaking NBAD and UEBA Detection
Charles Herring
(Not Recorded)

The Past, Present & Future of Cyber Threats
Chris Russell

Symbolically executing a fuzzy tyrant

A Theme of Fear: Hacking the Paradigm
Catherine Ullman

Q&A on our industry and other things that are top of mind
Chris Roberts

How to Make a Honeypot Stickier (SSH*)
Jose Hernandez

Data Access Rights Exploits under New Privacy Laws
Amber Welch

Data Security: How to avoid an embarrassing breach
Matt "mattrix" Hoy

MSSPs are great...and other lies I tell myself
Scott Thomas

Devaluing Cloud Breaches while Gaining Safe Harbor
Eric Wolff

Good Cyber Hygiene and using analytics to drive the need for it on Print
David Rose

Varna: Custom, robust AWS monitoring for cents a day using EQL
Adam Ringwood

A Day in the Life of a Security Operations Center: What do you get when you partner with cybersecurity experts?
Milan Patel

Malicious Cryptomining is Exploding: Are you at risk?
John Fatten

Threat Hunting Like a Gutter Punk
Trey Underwood
(Not Recorded)

The Economic's of Cyber Security
Todd White
(Not Recorded)

Dance, Fancybear, Dance: a study in macOS
Cat Self

The Spider Economy: Emotet, Dridex, and TrickBot, Oh My
Adam Hogan

Cloudy with a chance of SecOps
Ricardo Lafosse & Matthew Speakman

Destroy Everything
Tom Somerville

Surfing and Security - Ride the wave
Chris Burrows

The Importance of IT Asset Visibility
Brian Berk

From Idea to Badge: Getting Started & Finished with badge making
Dave Schwartzberg

CyberCrime Trends of 2019: A Look Into Cybercrime, Nation State and Ransomware Monetization Activities
Jared Phipps

Using Next Generation Fuzzing Tools: Fixing Bugs and Writing Memory Corruption Exploits
Dr. Jared DeMott & John Stigerwalt

What Are We Doing Here? Rethinking Security
Jeff Man

How Hackers Evade Your AI-enabled Endpoint Detection Tools
Dan Allen

Hillbilly Storytime - Pentest Fails
Adam Compton

Want to Play a Game..
John DeRyke

The Hacker Hippocampus: Meet your brain on games
Chloe Messdaghi

Departing Employees = Departing Data
Todd Thorsen

Beginner's Guide to Mobile Applications Penetration Testing
Whitney Phillips

Understanding how public places introduce additional risks to business travelers & how the tools used by hackers continue to evolve
Len Noe

Million Dollar Malware: Using the Viper Framework to Investigate and Track Ryuk's Success
Colin Cowie

The Importance of Relevant, Timely, and Qualitative Intelligence Analysis
Aamil AK

Deepfakes: If anything can be real then nothing is real
April C Wright

Network exploitation of IoT ecosystems
Fotios (ithilgore) Chantzis

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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast