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Attacks Against Critical Infrastructures Weakest Links - Jonathan Curtis GrrCON 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Attacks Against Critical Infrastructures Weakest Links
Jonathan Curtis
GrrCON 2015

Increased information and intelligence causes new operational requirements for making critical decisions on blocking traffic, so this talk will examine how blocking can be deployed, what the thresholds are within the network, and where blocking should be deployed for the most impact with the least amount of collateral damage and highest return on investment. This session will be an advanced level discussion covering defense in depth as well as the latest threats according to past and present experience. We will detail what the Darknet is targeting within the critical infrastructures supporting the internet, which AS,s are most problematic which threat actors are migrating and where they are moving to. What we see as up and coming attacks. Questions that will be addressed are as follows: What are the most current attacks? How they impact the network/applications/reputation? Who has access? How is it used? What types of new and emerging attacks have been discovered? How are these attacks specific to the online and ISP services industry? Attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the Darknet. They will understand how criminals leverage the Darknet and why attacks sourced there are often highly successful. Attendees will also get an advanced understanding of a number of purpose-built attacks designed specifically to compromise systems supporting the financial services industry.

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