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Cyber 101 - Upstaring your career in a leading industry - Johnny Deutsch GrrCON 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Cyber 101 - Upstaring your career in a leading industry
Johnny Deutsch
GrrCON 2015

The Cyber security industry is currently one of the most developing industries around and a lot of people want to get into it, for many varuis reasons. The problem that many of these people face is that they dont really know from where to start, and what is it that people working in cyber are actually doing. This is not a technical talk, but it is definitely a security talk. In our talk, I will provide you with a 101 course on how large organizations run their cyber security operations, and I will provide you with some background of the various roles that are involved in each and every part of the operation, so you will get to understand what is someone doing if he tells you he's a SOC or IR analyst or any other parts of today's large operations that support keeping organizations safe. This is a talk to help you start your career within the cyber security industry, whether you are an experienced IT person, or fresh out of college.

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