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Kerberoasting Revisited - Will Schroeder Derbycon 2019 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Kerberoasting Revisited
Will Schroeder
Derbycon 2019

Kerberoasting has become the red team?s best friend over the past several years, with various tools being built to support this technique. However, by failing to understand a fundamental detail concerning account encryption support, we haven?t understood the entire picture. This talk will revisit our favorite TTP, bringing a deeper understanding to how the attack works, what we?ve been missing, and what new tooling and approaches to kerberoasting exist.

Will Schroeder (@harmj0y) is an offensive engineer and red teamer for Specter Ops. He is a co-founder of GhostPack, Empire/Empyre, BloodHound, and the Veil-Framework, developed PowerView and PowerUp, is an active developer on the PowerSploit project, and is a Microsoft PowerShell MVP. He has spoken at a number of security conferences including ShmooCon, DerbyCon, Troopers, BlackHat, DEF CON, BlueHat Israel, and more on topics ranging from domain trust abuse to advanced offensive tradecraft.


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